52 ways to get more traffic

1.  Write a Roundup Post
A roundup post is an entry that speaks about a group of people in your niche. This strategy is used to build relationships with influencers in your niche. Let them know that you are reaching out to them and promoting their content. More often than not, this leads to them returning you the favor by blogging or tweeting about you. If they are indeed influential in your niche, their return of favor will be sending massive traffic your

2.   Interview Experts in Your Niche
If you can get interviews with experts in your niche, your credibility will be greatly boosted thus generating more traffic. All you have to do is ask: email experts a list of questions that is relevant to your niche and get some great content from their answers. At the same time, build relationships with these experts because you never know when a powerful partnership will come knocking at your door.

3.  Twitter Traffic
Twitter can be a huge source of traffic for you if you know how to build your Twitter
network on a daily basis. Your goal with Twitter is to network and build relationships
and these relationships can lead to more traffic. One Twitter post can become so viral
that it can send tens of thousands of visitors to your sites if done in the right manner.

4.  Create a Facebook Page
Studies have shown that people are spending more time on Facebook than any other
website on the internet. By being in front of such traffic, you have the best chance of
being seen on the vast web. Create a Facebook Page for your website  and install a “Like
Box” into your website so that your visitors will know you are on Facebook and join as a
fan on your Facebook Page.

5.  Create an Infographic
If you are great with design, you can take the statistics of any topic and create an
infographic to represent the figures. Infographics can go viral very easily as people like
to share them all over the web. Do remember to include your website URL within the
infographic so that you can get the traffic when it is re -blogged elsewhere on the
internet. You know what? Forget about being great with design, you can outsource it to
someone else to get it done for you!

6.  Create a .pdf Cheatsheet
Create cheatsheets with important information about a certain topic and include your
website URLs where possible inside the document. People love content such as this and
there is a very good chance that it will go viral being shared on the web.

7.  Create a Memorable Domain
Domain names often give people a first impression of the website. A good domain will
attract the massive amounts of traffic. The most effective domains are the .com

8.  Produce Videos on YouTube
One of the largest search engines other than Google is none other than YouTube.
Therefore, it is crucial to include YouTube in your arsenal of traffic  strategies. Create
your own YouTube channel. Produce and upload original videos with interesting content
to your YouTube channel. Using the “annotation” feature while editing YouTube videos,
you can add a call to action for viewers to go your website URL.  Another strategy is to
interlink your videos with annotations so as to pick up more views and more traffic.
Optimize your YouTube channel by including a link back to your website in the profile
information on the left panel. Here’s an excellent Youtube course: Video Traffic

9.  Optimize your YouTube videos with searchable keywords
After producing and uploading interesting video content to YouTube, optimize your
YouTube videos by tagging your video with searchable keywords. For phrases,
remember to include the quotation punctuation:” “

10.  Add video responses to YouTube videos
Find other videos uploaded on YouTube that are related to your video content by
searching your keywords in the YouTube search en gine. Select the popular videos with
many views and add a video response to that YouTube video. You can find this option
near the comments section. Here’s an excellent Youtube course: Video Traffic Academy

11.  Syndicate your Videos with TubeMogul
TubeMogul is a video marketing platform for syndicating video content to other video
sites. Although the bulk of your video views will come from YouTube, you will also be
able to generate a considerable amount of niche traffic to your site by syndicating your
video content to smaller video sharing sites. Do remember to include a link back to your
website in your profile while setting up accounts on the different video channels.

12.  Watermark your Videos
To watermark your videos is placing an image overlay, which links to the URL of the
domain you want to drive traffic to, on top of a video. This can be done using a video
editing program, more specifically, a screen capture video software like Camtasia. This
software works well on PC and MAC and even comes with a free trial of 30 days.

13.  Screencast Videos
Creating screencast videos is an effective way you can use to drive traffic to you
website. One strategy is to attach a screencast near the end of the video to persuade
visitors to check out your website. Talk about it for short while, pointing out the cool
things visitors can find on your website. Some software I would recommend is Camtasia
or Jing.

14.  Write Guest Posts
Many bloggers or webmasters have audiences to their websites amounting more than
your own. Approach these people and ask them if they would like for you to write a post
for their blog. Not only will you possibly get traffic flocking to your site, it will also get
you quality backlinks that will bosst the ranking of your site on Google. In addition, you
would have made a friend or friends and build relationships in the process.

15.  Build an Email List
Building an email list enables you to drive traffic at the click of a button. With a
substantial number of subscribers in your email list, you can also build a community
around your site or even your niche and eventually make sales after you have
established relationship with your list. However, it takes time, effort and the right
strategies to attract people to subscribe to your list. Also, it is essential to use an
autoresponder service to build your email list. You can check out  Aweber, iContact or
GetResponse for autoresponder services as mentioned.

16.  Use Squeeze Pages
A squeeze page is a landing page used to capture prospective leads on the internet who
are interested in what you have to offer. In this way, you will build a traffic getting list
very quickly.

17.  Write a Free eBook
An eBook is a book-length digital publication read on computers or other electronic
devices. They have a high perceived value and are a great way to build a huge email list.
To create an eBook, you just have to copy and paste blog posts you already have written
into a document and convert it into a PDF. Give away this eBook for free in exchange
that people subscribe to your email list.

18.  Submit your eBooks to eBook directories
Once you have written your eBook, submit it to eBook directories. eBook directories
work similarly with other online directories. They simply list a number of eBooks on
their directory and people actually visit these directories to find information. In this way,
not only do your website gain more traffic, people also get to know you as an author.
The key to making it viral is to provide great and interesting content.

19.  Set up an Autoresponder Email Series
Having an email list is not enough, there needs to be a strategy to get your marketing
and promotion messages across to your list. An autoresponder is an email marketing
tool that once set up will automatically send emails to a subscriber in specific time
intervals after they sign up to your email list. Setting up an autoresponder email series
requires some thought and organization. Ideally, your autoresponder emails should
contain content for every important article on your blog and each email should have a
call to action designed to get the reader to click through to your site.

20.  Create an Ecourse
An easy yet effective way to start your email series is by offering a 5-day / 7-day email
course where you send emails automatically for the next 5/7 days to build a strong
relationship and trust with your subscribers. Include links in your email for th em to
revisit your website. Once you have built a substantial list of raving subscribers, you will
be able to create a sustainable amount of traffic that is going to your website.

21.  Create Epic Content
People love to read content that delivers immense value to them. Therefore, to attract
the bulk of traffic to your website, your content must be well thought out and
researched, outdoing competitors’ efforts in a particular area.

22.  Give Away Free Stuff
One very effective way of making your content viral is to give away free stuff. You are
able to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website, generate leads for your
business and even make sales later by giving away high quality free stuff on the front
end of your sales process.

23.  Submit Your Site to Feedburner.com
Another way to get more traffic is to let your website be more accessible through RSS
feeds. Feedburner is a web feed management provider owned by Google that takes
your RSS feeds and makes it easily accessible to a variety of RSS readers. You can  also
use the service to track the subscribers on your feed, optimize the content in your feed
as well as use different ways to publicize your feed with widgets.

24.  Participate in forums and add a compelling message in your signature
Forum posting is one of the ways to increase the traffic to your website. When you
participate in forums which are on topics surrounding your niche or website content,
give value-adding comments and participate actively in the discussions. Add a
persuasive message in your signature to attract forum members to visit your website.

25.  Become an active user on StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon.com is a discovery engine that finds and recommends web content to its
users. Its features allow users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos that
are personalized to their tastes and interests using peer-sourcing and social-networking
principles. It is thus a very good platform for you to promote your website and get more

26.  Use keywords in your title tags
If you want to get more traffic to your website, it is crucial to know where all that traffic
is coming from. Majority of online traffic finds content on search engines using
keywords hence the first step to get found on search engines is to include keywords into
your website. We call this process On-Page Search Engine Optimization. One element to
include keywords in is in your title tag, the title of your website. There are many other
elements to search engine optimization.

27.  Hold a Contest for Subscribers
Organize contests where you give away prizes to winners. You can do this as a one-timeonly or monthly contest. The bigger your gift, the more buzz you generate online and
hence the more traffic to your site from those who sign up. Here’s an excellent contest
script: Contest Burner

28.  Retweet Contest
If you are active on Twitter, you might have seen some of the marketing tactics in
Twitter campaigns. One idea is that you could hold a contest to make the entry based on
tweeting a certain link. Using backtweets, you can track those who have tweeted your

29.  Content Contest
Ever finding it hard to write content? You can hold a Content Contest where you ask
users to answer a question to enter a contest and the best answer wins a prize. Not only
will you get a massive amounts of traffic because the contest prizes attracts people,
when the contest is finished you should have a healthy article filled with insightful
responses to any question you want.

30.  Traffic Contest
An easy way to effectively get your website ranked and found on search engines is to
hold a SEO contest where the person who sent the most traffic to the contest page wins
an awesome prize. This can be done is by each user having their own bit.ly url. All bit.ly
urls have built in analytics that can be accessed by adding a + to the end of the link.

31.  Make your blog available on Kindle
The Amazon Kindle is an e-book reader which uses wireless connectivity to enable users
to shop for, download, browse, and read e -books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, and
other digital media. With more than 54 million hits a month, Amazon is the ultimate
traffic-driver; even if you never own a Kindle you should make your blog available on
Kindle as it will position you as an authority in your field . Here’s a guide on Publishing on
Kindle: Kindle Publishing Made Easy

32.  Create an ezine/newsletter
An ezine is a magazine and newsletter distributed by any electronic method, for
example, by electronic mail. Studies have shown that there is a very large readership on
the internet. If you were to grant free access to your online content through an
ezine/newsletter, you will quickly attract the targeted attention to what you have to
offer. Hence, creating an ezine/newsletter is a good way to get more traffic.

33.  Set up a page on Hubpages.com
HubPages is an online space for you to share your advice, reviews, useful tips, opinions
and insights with hundreds of other authors. One of the 50 most visited US sites on the
Internet, it is where you can get more traffic to your main site if you are able to get the
attention of the ready traffic there by contributing interesting and value -adding content.

34.  Set up a Squidoo.com page
Squidoo is similar to HubPages where you can  create “lenses” that tend to rank very
well in the search engines. Provide a link back to your website and that you will get you
more traffic to the site.

35.  Install the Alexa toolbar on your browser
The Alexa Toolbar is a Firefox extension that is used by Alexa to measure website
specific statistics. It is crucial to install the Alexa toolbar because Goggle uses Alexa’s
Information for ranking and indexing. After installing the toolbar, surfing your own site
will absolutely help you get your sites indexed by Google more quickly.

36.  Install Social Sharing Plugins
Install social sharing plugins like Facebook and Twitter sharing buttons.  Share this is one
service that offers you to share content on Facebook and Twitter and other content
hubs. Always add links to your Twitter updates and use other pages other than your
Home page, like your About page, as a landing page. This is help you to gather more
traffic to your site.

37.  Set up a Facebook business page
Set up a Facebook business page to join in the conversation with Facebook users. You
can send updates to your fans, which will show up on their home pages. You will also
have access to insights and analytics of your fan base. The good thing about having a
Page is that you can have an unlimited number of fans while individual accounts can
only accommodate 5000 friends.

38.  Participate in and/or create Facebook groups
You can find your niche market by browsing through Facebook groups. Once you find a
group relating to your niche participate in it and get yourself kn own to their members
by giving value to the group. Make your website URL known. Soon enough, people will
start noticing you and traffic will flock to your website. Alternatively, you can create
your own Facebook group as well, so that you have total freedo m to do what you want
in your group.

39.  Set up events on Facebook
Facebook events is an application on Facebook that helps you to organize events. It is a
great way to get more traffic because by leaving all the default settings the way they are
– that is, allow guests to invite others, upload photos, write on the wall, etc., every one
of these activities creates news items that go out into the feeds of those individuals and
their friends. This means that your content / event will go viral very fast on Faceb ook.

40.  Take advantage of Mobile Traffic
With the increasing number of smart phone users around the world, you should take
advantage of the amounts of mobile traffic by optimizing your content for mobile.
Here’s an excellent course on mobile marketing: Mobile Monopoly

41.  Install a Forum
Forums are a great way to get more traffic to your site. By building a forum, you are also
building a community around your site where people can organize discussions and just
hang out at your site.

42.  Post Links on highly visible Facebook Pages
Popular Facebook Pages usually allow you to post on their Wall because they want to
welcome active discussions on the page. Take the opportunity to post your link on their
Facebook Page wall so that you can get the massive amount of traffic already there to
your site. It is, however, strongly advisable for you to give constructive and valuable
content while posting on their walls so that your content will not be deemed spam and
prevent you from being ousted from the page.

43.  Add your Site to Directories
Most directories offer the free option to add your URL to their listings. You will be able
to pick up some high quality backlinks by adding your site to directories. This is to get
your site ranking well on Google.

44.   Add your Blog to Blog Directories
Blog-only directories will get you more link juice and traffic from people who are
browsing the directory. So, do add your blog URL to blog directories to increase your site

45.  Build Links with Other Web Masters
Another effective way to get more traffic is to put your website link on another website
related to your niche. Most webmasters don’t mind doing a link exchange with you if
you are to provide a reciprocal link on your site as well. In this way, Google sees the links
as two way links. However, one way links are perceived to be more powerful than two
way links. Therefore if you have two sites, build links with other bloggers by linking them
with one site and having them link to the other. This way you and the blogger both get
one way links. If you have three or more blogs you can apply this same strategy

46.  Do Ad Swaps with Other People in Your Niche
Cross promote by doing ad swaps with someone in your niche to get more traffi c and
build a substantial email list. Firstly, find someone in your niche with a similar sized
email list. Send an email about their opt-in offer to your list, and they will reciprocate by
sending an email about your opt-in offer to their list. Here’s a place where you can find
adswap partners: http://www.safe-swaps.com

47.  Submit Press Releases
A press release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the
news media for the purpose of announcing something newsworthy. They may be a old
school technique, but press releases still work. Here’s an excellent software that will
help you with your PR submission: Press Equalizer

48.  Find JV Partners
Partner with other people in your niche to promote your products or services.

49.  Conduct Proper Keyword Research
Keyword research help you to find relevant keywords that are high in demand but low in
level competition. Use the Google Keyword tool to gather this inform ation and then use
it for search engine optimization or cost per click campaigns to get your website ranked
to be found my prospective customers. Or you could use an awesome Keyword
Research software like: Micro Niche Finder

50.   Google AdWords
Pay Per Click advertising is also very effective in getting more traffic to your site. It is
highly recommended if you have a sales funnel that more than pays for the cost of the
traffic. Avoid PPC advertising if you do not have a product that you are already making
sales with.

51.  Facebook Ads
Facebook ads allow you to target your specific market according to their demographics,
geographical residence and the users’ preferences. As a result of Facebook’s large user
base, you have a large group to market to even if you narrow it down to your niche.

52.  StumbleUpon Ads
StumbleUpon Ads are great if your content is very entertaining and controversial
because it can start going viral very quickly.

7 Killer Strategies For Unlimited Traffic

Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing

In this report, I’m going to share with you 7 killer traffic strategies for attracting thousands of visitors to
your website each and every week. They include:
1 High-Profile Article Marketing
2 Forum Marketing
3 Ebook Syndication
4 Video Marketing
5 Viral Pushes
6 Ad Swaps
7 Paid Advertising
These are the exact strategies I have used to build a mailing list of over 7,000 subscribers.So without
further ado, let’s dive into the details…

1. High-Profile Article Marketing
As you probably know, article marketing is one of the best ways to drive highly-targeted traffic to your
website. However, if you re-focus your efforts towards high-profile article marketing can generate 10x
as much traffic.
Instead of submitting your articles to article directories, you submit them to the top websites and blogs
in your market.
So, for example, if you have a blog about sports, you could submit your articles to
http://bleacherreport.com/, one of the most popular sports websites online. If you have a website about
weddings, you could submit articles to http://www.favorideas.com/submit-wedding-articles/
If you have a website about parenting, you could submit articles to
If you have a website about finance, you could submit articles to
Are you starting to get the idea here? No matter what market you’re in, there are very popular websites
that you could be submitting articles to for massive traffic.
Here’s a list of very popular websites that I personally submit articles to. The list below is a gold mine
for building a list of thousands of subscribers. If you published just ONE really good article every day
to the following websites, and had a good call to action in your resource box that sent people to your
squeeze page, then you would have a highly responsive list of AT LEAST 1,000 subscribers by the end
of the month.
http://moneymakerinfo.blogspot.com/2008/12/im-looking-for-guest-bloggers.html(This site ranks #2
for “make money online” and they are looking for guest bloggers!
http://www.tutorialized.com(Submit your articles in the Marketing or SEO sections. This site will send
traffic directly to your blog or website. So you will need to have a website set up to submit your articles
here. But they can drive hundreds of visitors to your site.)
http://www.copyblogger.com    (a very popular IM blog that accepts guest bloggers.)
The following is a list of sites where you can syndicate your articles.
http://blogcarnival.com/bc/(Submit all of your articles to blog carnivals for extra traffic.)

2. Forum Marketing
Forum marketing is another excellent strategy for building a list of subscribers and sending tons of
traffic to your website.
Forum marketing is a highly underrated, but extremely effective strategy for building a list of
subscribers, driving highly-targeted traffic, and establishing yourself as an authority in your particular
Forums put you directly in front of your target market, making it a goldmine for driving thousands of
highly targeted visitors to your website.
But keep in mind here that the key to successful forum marketing is to become an active participant in
the community. Your first priority is to deliver lots of value. And that means posting highly valuable
content in the forums and helping people with their questions.
Once you’ve become a trusted member and delivered some great value in your posts, people will
naturally want to learn more about what you have to offer.
This is where your signature link comes in…
You’ll want to use your signature link to send people to your squeeze page where you can build your
list of subscribers.
Here’s an example of a good signature line:
“Find out how to get front-page Google Rankings in 24 hours with my FREE Google Domination
Video series… http://www.yoursqueezepagehere.com ”
The key here is to entice them with some sort of benefit to get them tocome to your website. Keep your
signature file short and to the point.You should only be promoting one page in your signature file.
Don’t confuse people with multiple options.
Also keep in mind that it’s the value of your post that drives people to look at your signature. If you
provide people with extraordinary value, then they will naturally want to check out more of your
So focus on providing value. One extremely valuable post is worth 10x
more than 20 average posts.
Here’s a list of the top Internet Marketing Forums:
You can also use the Warrior Forum to quickly build a large list of subscribers by posting free WSO’s.
You can also build your list by posting free offers on the Digital Point Forums as well (in the Buy, Sell,
and Trade section.)
Another great place to post your offer and build your list is http://marketplace.sitepoint.com
You can create free reports to give away on these forums simply by combining a collection of your
article into a free PDF report. By re-purposing your articles, you will be able to generate even more
traffic and subscribers.
*** Always be looking for ways to re-purpose your content. There are a TON of ways to get extra
mileage out of any type of content you create online.

3. Ebook Syndication
Speaking of re-purposing your content, another excellent way to re-use your content is to combine your
articles into an ebook and submit them to all of the top Ebook directories.
This is an extremely powerful technique that very few marketers are taking advantage of.
Simply combine your articles into a PDF ebook, which you can do with a free piece of software called
NitroPDF .
You can also use a free service online called YouConvertIt.com
Here’s a list of the most popular ebook directories where you can submit your free ebooks…
Free Ebooks
Ebook Tags
Ebook Directory
E-Books Directory
In order to collect subscribers from your ebook, be sure to put an ad at the top of the ebook that points
them to your squeeze page.
Syndicating your ebookis an excellent strategy for building your list, increasing your traffic, and
building links to your site.

4. Video Marketing
Video marketing is one of the best ways to tap into the massive amount of traffic on sites like YouTube,
Viddler, Veoh, and Google Video.
Create 3-5 minute videos that you can post to all of the top video submission sites.
Use http://www.tubemogul.comto automate your video submissions.
Send people from your video to your squeeze page. You’ll be surprised at just how powerful this
technique can be.
Quick Tip: Create 2-part videos to increase click-through rate.

5. Viral Pushes
Once you have built an audience for your website and a list of subscribers, it’s now time to leverage
that existing audience with some viral pushes.
This is where you do some extra promotion for the best articles on your blog. For this technique to
work properly, you must be promoting a killer article that over-delivers on value.
Once you have a top-notch article, now it’s time to create a viral push!
You can do this in a number of different ways. One of my favorite strategies is to use StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon allows you to put your content in front of your target audience for just 5 cents a click.
Once people start coming to your site, they will give it a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down. By paying for
this initial base of visitors, you can easily start a viral campaign that will spread throughout
StumbleUpon and onto many of the other popular social sites online.
Buying StumbleUpon ads is an excellent way to give your content the push it needs to get over that
tipping point.
Another excellent strategy for giving your content a viral push is to ask your subscribers to tweet your
article. Simply by asking your subscribers to do something specific, you will get a much higher
response rate.
You can also allow your readers to automatically tweet your post using Tweet Meme.
Create at least one viral push every week and watch your traffic soar!

6. Ad Swaps
Once you’ve built a list of 1,000 subscribers, start using ad swaps to grow your list exponentially.
This is an extremely valuable technique that can add hundreds of subscribers to your list at a time.
Here are some places online where you can find other list owners who are looking to do ad swaps:

7. Paid Advertising Options
Paid advertising is another excellent option AFTER you have optimized your sales process. Here are
some of the top paid advertising options for those in the Internet Marketing field…
http://www.internetmarketingsecrets.com/(Michael Campbell)

*** Continually test and track all of your traffic generation strategies to determine what’s the best use
of your time / money and refocus your time on the activities that produce the most results.